Our design teams developed these swimming shorts for kids wanting to get into swimming with ease.
A swimsuit should primarily favour comfort. It should enable you to move with ease. That is why it is important to choose the shape of your swimwear carefully.Swim boxers are ideal for those who prefer a shape that provides more coverage than trunks.
Products bearing the AQUARESIST label are guaranteed to deliver chlorine resistance throughout their lifespan. They retain their elasticity. For these reasons they are recommended for regular or intensive pool use.
Score to compare the impact of products
The impact of the product is calculated over its entire life cycle using different indicators. An ABCDE score is provided to enable easy identification of the most products when comparing products of the same type (T-shirts, trousers, backpacks).DECATHLON chose to apply this voluntary labelling scheme.Video: knots difficult or unreliable? We have replaced the drawstring with a belt + buckle that enables kids to easily adjust these innovative boxers. (also available without a buckle)
Our design teams developed these swimming shorts for kids wanting to get into swimming with ease.